Saturday, September 3, 2011

obligatory vague passive-aggressive post

People who take out all their problems on others and manipulate them to get what they want and who write vaguely about how wronged they are without revealing what's actually going on, but obviously wanting other people to know they've been wronged and garner nosiness disguised as sympathy piss me off.

Gah! Some people, I just can't believe it. Well, what comes around goes around. They'll get what's coming to them. What a day.......

I hate to admit it, but women seem to be the primary perpetrators of manipulation. Men are experts at it too, though! It's really just a human thing to ignore your own faults and screw up other people you supposedly care about, but I don't get it. 

If you're unhappy with your life, take some responsibility for your own emotions; don't be passive aggressive, don't get irritated with others, don't pretend it's all somebody else's fault! It's not. It's yours. 

Geez, start a blog or something. I know I'm just done with it all.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

nothing much right now

Hate to disappoint my loyal pitchforked blog mob, but I'm not very pissed off today.
The head-shrinkin' crazy doc and Big Pharma got together and snuck some anti-anxiety meds into a snausage for me. So, I'm feeling more at ease.

The lack of road rage made the drive home from work quite dull, though.

But, just 'cause I'm not pissed, doesn't mean ya'll can't be. So get your peepers poppin' and your arms t-rexin' and creep around The Huffington Post. Liberal, conservative, religious, heathen, anti-vaxer, skeptic, Deepak Chopra haters, whatever! Huffpo's got enough angering articles for all!

some other chick named jess is pissed off too

There's this other blogger whose name happens to be Jess and who is also pissed off. And frankly, it well, you know...

First of all, the name of her blog is nearly identical to mine.

Secondly, it's even on Blogger, not Wordpress or some other such thing.

Thirdly, she's ugly and her design layout is stupid, so I guess I'm okay there.
    (No, I don't really think she's ugly and her design layout is okay).

Fourthly, the URL of her site makes no sense. It's partly in Spanish (que es), partly in southern (pissin), and partly in txt (2day). WTF?

Fifthly (Fively?), if you Google search for "what's pissing off Jess" you go straight to her blog and not mine. Hrrrmmmph.

Sixthly, I uh, I dunno... I'm not really upset, it's just quite coincidental. Maybe Jess and I could be friends.

Why don't you click on over to her blog and get her attention, eh?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

being hungry at non-normative meal times

It pisses me off when I get really hungry at an inappropriate time.

I try to plan my day around well-spaced meals, but if I'm hungry for lunch 2 hours after breakfast, what am I going to eat at actual lunch time? Or if I'm planning to go out to dinner, but am starving an hour and a half beforehand--do I just stay hungry and pig out at dinner or eat a small snack but still be sorta hungry or just eat dinner and ruin my dinner plans?

bear farms in china

The fact that it's freakin' 2011 and folks are just now calling shenanigans on this nonsense pisses me off.

No, pissed off is reserved for wet arms and HD sunglasses infomercials. The appropriate emotions are anger and sadness at this stupid display of inhumanity.

Monday, August 29, 2011

parking spot hogs

People who decide to wait five minutes for the previous occupant to leave just to get a lower-level parking spot in the garage when there's like a million spots on the roof level and 10 cars trapped behind them piss me off. Really.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

washing dishes

When I wash dishes, which I'm just pissed off about from the get-go, my forearms get all wet and it pisses me off even more.

The water then runs down my forearms and onto my elbows. It then just drips all over my shirt, my feet, the floor, everywhere!! My hands are already pruney and sore from the scalding hot water. Maybe I should start wearing like those wrist sweat bands around my elbows when I wash dishes. I should probably also wear a helmet and some knee pads for when I inevitably slip on the wet floor.

I also hate it when I'm washing a plate and it slides out of my hands and crashes into the sink. Then Daniel's all worried and like "are you okay!?" and I'm all "yes I'm fine" between clenched teeth. Then I have to rewash the stupid plate because it just fell into the dirty sink water.